Prednisolone is widely considered as the most effective and secure medication in its category across the world. The World Health Organization acknowledges its significance as an indispensable component of any healthcare system. Prednisolone acetate and other variants of the drug are frequently included in first aid kits as they are capable of addressing various health ailments on an immediate basis. It is undoubtedly one of the most critical drugs to possess for timely medical intervention.

Prednisolone is a versatile drug that can be used for children, adults, and even animals, and has a wide range of applications, including the treatment of both immediate reactions to allergies and long-term treatment of serious illnesses. This medication is important for all patient categories and is widely available as a generic in most countries, making it an affordable treatment option.

Prednisolone is a widely known and utilized corticosteroid that was one of the first to be discovered and synthesized. Despite being over 60 years old, it remains a highly effective solution for a variety of medical conditions that can negatively impact one’s health. Corticosteroids play a critical role in many physiological processes within the body, including the immune and stress response. This helps to ensure that the body is able to effectively fight off infections, bacteria, and even some psychological issues.

Over the years, prednisolone has undergone numerous evaluations and updates, usually every 2-3 years. Each iteration of the drug is thoroughly reviewed by experts before being re-released to the market, including generic versions manufactured outside of Western Europe and America. In many developing countries, prednisolone is readily available at a very affordable cost, sometimes as low as one cent per day.

Prednisolone is highly versatile and has an extensive range of applications, making it a must-have medication for any household. It is available in multiple forms and distributed globally, solidifying its status as a widely recognized and relied upon drug.

Medical Applications

The applications of prednisolone in medicine are extensive and cover a wide range of autoimmune conditions and inflammations. Some of the most common uses include:

  • Treating both asthma symptoms and as a recreational medication in various forms, including prednisolone sod.
  • Addressing pericarditis and other similar inflamed conditions such as sarcoidosis and dermatomyositis through reactive and proactive use.
  • Treating autoimmune conditions, such as systemic lupus and Kawasaki disease, where the cause of inflammation is unknown.

While other corticosteroids can be used in some cases, prednisolone is a highly effective solution for nearly all inflammatory and autoimmune conditions. It is especially important in a world where over 60% of the population suffers from some form of allergy, as it can be used safely in most emergency situations and to counteract allergic reactions to other drugs and foods.

Prednisolone sodium phosphate oral solutions and other generics have a long shelf life and can be stored for years, making them a valuable resource for those with allergies or who take prescription drugs that may cause an allergic reaction.

Another important use of prednisolone and other corticosteroids is suppressing the immune system to prevent transplant rejection. This is an essential aspect of post-transplantation rehabilitation, where the patient may have an adverse reaction to a newly transplanted organ.

Prednisolone acetate suspension is another widely used form factor, used to reduce swelling, itching, and other allergic reactions in the eyes. The suspension is available in generic forms and is produced globally, including off-brand solutions from India, Turkey, and Eastern Europe.

Various Negative Side Effects

Common side effects:

  • Vulnerability to infections;
  • Constant hunger, possible weight gain, regular nausea, and even malaise;
  • Cardiovascular complications that mostly occur in children;
  • Various dermatological effects, namely, reddening of skin, changes of epithelium color, slow healing of bruises and scratches, rash, changes in the rate of hair growth, and thinning skin;
  • Various hormonal changes, including menstrual abnormalities and a weaker response to hormonal treatment;
  • High blood pressure due to changes in electrolyte balance;
  • Minor convulsions, systematic headaches, and vertigo.

These are side effects that often occur in patients, especially during recreational, long-term treatment. Among other important, long-term side effects, we must highlight possible changes in important body tissues, including bones, muscles, and skin. Bones notably weaken during long-term usage of prednisolone, which may lead to fractures. This is also the reason why you should avoid using prednisolone during pregnancies.

Regular usage of prednisolone sod may lead to complications with the digestive system, namely a higher probability of getting a stomach ulcer. Prednisolone for kids should be used carefully due to possible complications with the liver and kidney.

In the short term, changes in behavior and other psychological issues, including stress and depression, may be observed in patients. However, these adverse effects usually go away within several days after you stop using prednisolone.

Possible Form Factors of Prednisolone

As one of the most frequently used drugs in the world, prednisolone is manufactured in many forms for various applications.

Depending on the desired way of administration and future applications, various types of dosage forms can be chosen.

  1. Prednisolone sod (sodium phosphate oral solution) was initially introduced to the market by Pediapred several decades ago. This is one of the most commonly used orally administered forms of prednisolone.
  2. Prednisolone acetate oral suspension. This quickly adsorbed version of the medication is often used for immediate treatment of various types of allergies. Note that oral solutions are not suitable for ophthalmological usage; for the latter, a sterile prednisolone acetate suspension in the form of eye-drops is used.
  3. Prednisolone oral tablets is a slower version of the drug for oral administration. It is mostly used for recreational treatment and for immune system suppression in the long run.
  4. Prednisolone sod in the form of dissolvable tablets.

Dosing is individual for each person and depends on the brand of the drug. The medication always comes with instructions, and you should follow them as closely as possible. Due to the rich variety of pharmaceutical companies that produce prednisolone in multiple forms, finding the most optimal dosage is often difficult without multiple attempts and errors. Do not worry, in the vast majority of cases, prednisolone does not cause severe side effects. Be careful and read the instructions attentively before using the drug.

Possible Conflicts with Other Drugs

Prednisolone may interact negatively with some medications, so we highly recommend that you speak to your doctor before combining prednisolone with other medications, even in the short term. Try to avoid mixing prednisolone with prescribed drugs.

Amongst conflicting drugs:

  • Specific antibiotics like Clarithromycin, Rifampin, Ciprofloxacin or Erythromycin;
  • Other immunosuppressant-like drugs including cyclosporine;
  • Anitfungal drugs like ketoconazole;
  • Specific contraceptives administrated orally;
  • Barbiturates like phenobarbital and neurological drugs like carbamazepine and/or hydantoins like phenytoin;
  • Aspirin, ritodrine, methotrexate;
  • Diuretics like furosemide, hydrochlorothiazide, and others;
  • Anticoagulants including Heparin, Xa Inhibitors, Warfarin.

Note that it is not recommended to use prednisolone after being vaccinated, as the vast majority of conflicts are based on possible interactions between drugs. Prednisolone may increase the probability of side effects caused both by itself and conflicting drugs. Some medications may work less effectively in the presence of prednisolone, regardless of its administration method; the exception is prednisolone acetate in the form of eye-drops.

The list of prescribed and highly specific drugs that may interact with prednisolone is actually much wider, so we strongly suggest consulting with your doctor before combining any of them with prednisolone.

How to Use and What to Avoid

Due to its versatility and wide range of possible applications, everyone should be aware of the basic rules for using Prednisolone. We will cover only the fundamental basics of using orally administered prednisolone sod.

There are specific rules that you need to follow in order to maximize the effectiveness of the medication while minimizing the chance of experiencing adverse effects.

  • Follow your routine. Your treatment plan is usually calculated strictly, and it is not recommended to skip doses or to overdose if you skipped one dose. Never take a double dose of the medication at once.
  • Administer the drug only orally. Do not use injections.
  • Carefully read and follow all recommendations given to you by the manufacturer of the drug in the instruction.
  • Never use prednisolone together with alcohol.
  • Prednisolone for children should always be used with caution. Note that children are more likely to react negatively to the drug. Additionally, the rate of growth in children taking prednisolone may increase dramatically.
  • Prednisolone is capable of triggering hyperglycemia, increasing your blood sugar level. Additional doses of insulin may be required.